Funny joke about Tapeworm

A man visits a doctor in regards to what he suspects is a tapeworm. The doctor confirms that is the likely parasite and tells the man, "Go to a grocery store, there's one across the street, and buy a dozen eggs. Also buy ten tootsie rolls. Every day at 2 PM for the next 10 days, shove an egg up your rectum, wait 3 minutes, and then shove the tootsie roll up your rectum. Then come back in ten days and bring an egg, arrive at 1:55."
Reluctantly, the man follows the doctors orders, and he comes back, egg in hand, to the doctor. "Doc, I did what you said, and I haven't seen any improvement." The doctor sighs and leaves the room for a moment and comes back with a hammer. "Lay on the table facing down." The man lays down and the doctor asks him to shove the egg into his rectum.
"I don't think this is helping" the man said. The doctor said, "Just bear with me a moment." A couple of minutes pass, and the tapeworm pops out and asks, "Hey, where's my tootsie roll?!" BOP And the doctor hits it with the hammer.
